IDM property management offer a range of services to landlords and developers needing assistance in managing and maintaining their properties.
IDM’s property management department offer a bespoke range of services to landlords and developers wishing to negate the responsibility of managing and maintaining their properties. Covering anything from a single private property to an entire freehold of mixed used buildings, we treat our clients’ properties as though they were our own.
With over 40 years experience in this area, we have resourced and maintained an impressive internal and external network of professionals, from specialist tradesmen to legal experts whose skilled services we can call upon when required.
When it comes to our service charge, we work with leaseholders to set agreeable terms taking into account the necessary time for quality management. We work on behalf of the landlord for maximum return on investment, and therefore aim to keep outgoing spends to a minimum where possible.
IDM has a wealth of experience in facilities management and offers full, planned maintenance programmes to include structural works, refurbishment of common parts, internal & external decoration and interior design if required. Our team of tradesmen are reliable and respectable and will tend to any ad-hoc maintenance jobs.
For further information, please call 020 7739 1650 (option 3) to discuss your management requirements.